The Top 3 Books I've Read While Pregnant


I don't have tons of extra time to read.  Between work and school and life, my bookworm passions have been set aside most of pregnancy.  My nerd outlet has been confined.

With a few exceptions.  I found that What to Expect When You're Expecting and other preggo prep books were helpful to a certain extent, but more basic.  What were the real things that mattered to me?  Hot topics for every pregnant woman and mom: my nutrition, my labor and delivery, and vaccinations.

WHOA I better slow down.  I know how much just mentioning the word "vaccinations" gets people riled up and positioning for World War III.  That's why I won't be giving my opinion on this blog (though you are welcome to message or email me to ask what I think and why).  I really won't be giving too many opinions on anything for that matter.  Rather, I would like to show you which pregnancy reads I have found most valuable, informative and inspirational in my pregnancy.  So much so, that I will continue to refer to them and use them as resources after my baby boy is born.

Let's get started.  I provide what I learned and then a quick review.

#1: The Vaccine Book by Dr Robert Sears

Better get the hard stuff over with it.  Interestingly, Dr Sears is pro-vaccine, which many people might not gather from the title of the book.  However, what makes this book super awesome is it gives individuals and parents the facts they need to make informed decisions when it comes to vaccinations. Whodathunkit?

Dr Sears has an excellent and organized approach.  Each childhood vaccination is discussed in depth, including how each vaccine is made, its ingredients, which brands and types are safest, each vaccine's side effects and safety profile, and how to recognize, treat and prevent vaccine side effects.  In addition, he discusses how common, rare or serious each disease is (ex. diphtheria, tetanus, chickenpox), how to tailor your child's shot schedule to minimize risks and and satisfy state requirements, advice on adult vaccines, and a thorough evidence-based list of articles and references for one to do more exploration and research.  A chapter is dedicated to discussing vaccine research, as well as criticisms and positives about the research.

I cannot emphasize enough how important this book has been to us.  I think it is so very important to be able to defend your decisions about what you believe is best for your child in any and every circumstance and to be able to back it up with credited and unbiased research.  Unfortunately, I think many people get viewed for being on a "bandwagon" when it comes to their opinion because that's exactly what they are on.  What an opportunity to really know, trust, and believe in the decisions you make and be in agreement with your spouse.

Easy read, short chapters, long book.  Easy to reference later.  Would get most recent edition as even Dr Sears acknowledges many things change in the medical world and with vaccinations, even over a
short time.

#2: The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care by Sally Fallon and Thomas Cowan

Somebody recommended this book to me and I have no idea who (#pregnancybrain). But thank you! I was already familiar with the author, Sally Fallon, who has done much nutritional work surrounding the research done by Weston Price.  I'm a big fan.

My favorite thing about this read?  This book highlights a nutrient-dense diet prior to conception and continuing through pregnancy, breastfeeding and the period of growth.  In addition, there are multiple appendixes in the end with recipes for mama and baby to help heal the body following delivery and get baby the best nutrition.  Another bonus of this read is it highlights homeopathic remedies and treatments for common infant symptoms (being respectful still of medicine), such as colds, fevers and congestion.  Not to say I would do every little thing this book says, and I can't say I agree with everything proposed by this book.  However, I certainly appreciate having the information, the resource, and another perspective.  Knowledge is power.

Easy read, straight-forward, opinionated at times.  Great reference, great recipes.  If you are not familiar with the Paleo diet or Weston Price, this read might make your head spin.  But it might not be bad thing!

#3: Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize

Wow, this book has knocked my socks off.  Not because I know anything about childbirth...yet.  But because this book pretty much revolutionized my view of labor and delivery

I believe there is much power in words.  What we speak over ourselves, what we invite in our conversations... it can bring life or death.  Many people have preconceptions about labor. Why? Because all movies and most people talk about about is how hell-wrenching-beyond-anguishing it is.  But should we choose to live in that fear or should we make the experience our own?

That is exactly what this book taught me: what God's promises for conception, pregnancy, and delivery are and how to use scripture and faith principles to prepare for your childbirth.  It has chapters with confessions and prayers for a supernatural conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and all circumstances surrounding each stage.

Easy read, short book. I read it in an afternoon.  Now I read the prayers daily. Great reference for anyone trying to conceive, in pregnancy or preparing for childbirth.

I feel like this book should literally be wrapped in gold, it is that precious to me. Big thanks to my doula who recommended and encouraged me to read this.  I am looking forward to my own pregnancy story, no matter what happens.  I am so excited for what God has done for me already and what He will continue to do for me in this new experience.  It is in his hands, and I choose not to have fear but to have faith.

Happy reading!




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